Tofu's Table 10, Metagame Meeting

Hello! Tofu and Snorlax have come together just before Regulation G begins to give you an update on the metagame's development. Currently, at the tail end of the testing month, we have seen some teams surrounding certain strong Restricted choices settle in very nicely with consistent performance throughout.

The purpose of this post is to update you on what to look out for and hopefully provide more information to help everyone's teambuilding processes.

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Tofus' Table 9.5, Terapagos Teachings

Tofu and Snorlax back to give you a heads up on one of our new favourite Pokémon, Terapagos. The Terastal Turtle has seemingly been a headache for quite a few players to both play with and against, and I'd like to consider myself pretty decently experienced in it's use, hence, the making of this post!

In other news, I am also proud to be becoming a part of Devon Corp Press! I'd like to thank them for giving me an extra platform to bring you the best of my thoughts in continued VGC education. Anyways, on to the post! 

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Tofu's Table 9, Regulation G-Goods

Greetings everyone! Not long ago Regulation G has been announced allowing a single Restricted Pokémon to be used on your teams. This introduces a whole new dimension to consider, and an entirely new metagame, when teambuilding. It may seem extremely daunting, especially for players who are new to VGC, with such high-powered toys suddenly entering the game.

This is where this post comes in.

I am here to give you my barebones thoughts and analysis into some of the currently available Restricted options, such as sets and teams, to hopefully give you some sort of footing when Regulation G officially begins. 

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Surging Pika-Power!

[Sorry if this post is a bit barebones, life has been busy!]

Celebrating Pokémon's 27th anniversary! A team that features our favourite, electrifying, ever-present mouse, Pikachu! With it's special item, Light Ball, it can turn itself into a very respectable offensive presence on a particularly already-strong team archetype: Rain.

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Tofu's Table 8, Set Showcase!

Hello again, Tofu and Snorlax here. To quickly run through the intro, this blogpost is a follow up to my Cores Course! I wanted to showcase some sets/cores whose teams I didn't feel were entirely worth the real estate of an entire blogpost, but would be a total shame if I didn't share them. You'll also recognise some callbacks to some old sets!

These sets are meant to inspire showing you with some effort and creativity you too can win with your favourite Pokémon, and also be complementary to the Cores Course, which serves as great scaffold to help support this endeavour!

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Tofu's Table 7, A Cores Course

Hello everyone! Tofu and Snorlax here to bring you the latest in VGC analysis (or attempt to, at least). With Regulation F essentially a "wild west" with so many high-powered teams seemingly finding solid success, a breakdown seems necessary to show you what the core pieces are, some ladder gimmicks, and to show you how they might function together. As a disclaimer, these are my views on how I believe the teams and cores function, and I would be more than happy to be corrected!

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Tofu's Table 6, Indigo Disk-ussion

Tofu and Snorlax here back from Blueberry Academy's Terrarrium and to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!!! After surveying a slew of new options brought by the introduction of The Indigo Disk, I have decided to put pen to paper and display what I believe will be things to look out for while featuring new Pokémon and moves!                                                                   

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The Regulation E-mperor PengWIN!

Hello everyone, Tofu and Snorlax here to bring you a new team! Not just us however, for this is a special collaboration with our resident Trick Room expert, Progatog! In a serendipitous moment of mentioning the same idea, we decided to put our combined VGC knowledge to use to craft a team befitting of both of us for both casual AND serious play. In a fun twist, it ended up being an extremely solid team in my opinion, with a lot of room to grow as well, and our focus for today is not just one team, but bonus variations too which alters the dynamic!

Please find a link to their video as well further down in the post!

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